Comment by leoqa

Comment by leoqa 2 days ago

14 replies

Israel is in their 9/11 moment and is not backing down due to international hand wringing. Ultimately it’s a test of the international institutions and US government support.

fwip 2 days ago

At this point, I wonder if Israel isn't intentionally trying to provoke more 9/11 moments. If they lose the direct support of the US or the tolerance of the wider international community, they can't fulfill their goals.

  • bushbaba 2 days ago

    Or the flip side. Hamas promised to continue slaughtering Israeli Arabs, Jews, and Christians until they are all dead. Hezbollah has launched rockets into northern Israel for a year…with 100k+ Israelis forced to relocate south.

    What exactly other option does Israel had. Peace talks didn’t go anywhere for last few decades

    • ngcazz 2 days ago

      Even if Hamas hadn't eliminated the anti-semitic language from their charter in 2007, that argument would require one to accept that preventatively mass murdering whole families and generations of children is a moral means of dealing with a political opponent.

      Options? Israel (the people anyway) has always had the option of finally dropping the ethno-nationalism and apartheid of their foundational principles, and accepting that the Palestinians have a way more material right to Palestinian territory than an American or a European who Israel brought over on a birthright trip.

      • skylurk a day ago

        Hamas was anti-semitic?

        • ngcazz a day ago

          My understanding was that the language in the charter included the term "jews" as a metonym for Israel.

flyinglizard 2 days ago

What you're saying is true. Israeli citizens have had enough and demand a military solution. The fighting doctrine of Israel's adversaries is attacking and then running for the cover of the international community, but post October 7th that doesn't really work anymore with Israel.

  • mistermann 2 days ago

    > Israeli citizens have had enough and demand a military solution.

    Enthusiasts of Rhetoric or Logic may notice how interesting this sentence is, in that it is both true and false simultaneously.

    They may also notice that is also true of a rather large percentage of discussion/cognition regarding these matters.

    Gosh, how do people manage to understand what's going on if language is used this way???

beaglesss 2 days ago

They have the support of a state 30x their size. In a unique way few others do, almost in a parent child undying and asymmetrical way.

This is 9/11 but the US backed by an entire alien planet, unafraid to go in the direction of scorched earth even when totally surrounded because the aliens will bail them out.