Modified3019 2 days ago

Most likely coincidence. From what I’ve read, Israel had to pull the trigger on the pagers early because some people (whom they were monitoring) had gotten suspicious that something was up.

  • morkalork 2 days ago

    I wonder what tipped them off? The battery wasn't lasting as long? One accidentally went off early and they were investigating? A leak?

  • yieldcrv 21 hours ago

    That was Tuesday’s speculation

    It looks more likely to just be a demoralizing psyop, expose a couple thousand Hezbollah members based on hospital records and to the Lebanese public, disrupt communications and attack south Lebanon

dredmorbius 2 days ago

I strongly suspect the birthday paradox is making an emergence.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a day of the year without some plausible significance.

xenospn 2 days ago

Confidence for sure. I grew up in Israel and never heard of this anniversary.

  • hedgehog 2 days ago

    Countries often scrub their history books of things they're not proud of. I grew up in the US and not once was the 1921 Tulsa massacre covered in school.

    • borski 2 days ago

      I grew up in NYC and definitely learned about Tulsa.

      • Larrikin 2 days ago

        You are in the minority. Huge chunks of society were surprised by the Watchmen episode.

        My AP US History introduced the civil war section by saying despite his personal beliefs, he was teaching us to pass the exam and any discussion about the war being over slavery and not state's rights was a waste of class time as that would not get us a four or five on the test.