Comment by solardev

Comment by solardev 2 days ago

1 reply

IMO this is doomed to fail. Within a project (or at most a team), you can copy approaches like MUI's for making reusable components ( But at larger scales across the company, there is no way any such system will survive the modern web/app ecosystem turnover. Everything from code to design changes by fashion every 2-3 years and someone will replace you and want to do their own thing and today's grand cohesive design will just be tech debt by next year.

At most, you might be able to align your teams along a style guide that dictates how the finished components should look (i.e., trying to standardize their look & feel via Figma files, style tokens, Storybooks, etc.) but NOT how they're implemented in code, especially if you're multi-platform. The difference is of standardizing outputs (what the user sees) vs methods (how the devs code it).

If you force people to standardize code today, all you're really doing is padding your own resume while making their work much more difficult and slowing down the company as a whole. I can guarantee you that some team is going to need to break out of that mold for the next new project, at which point your standards will break down and their innovation will drive new needs and designs and the whole cycle will start all over.