Comment by AnotherGoodName

Comment by AnotherGoodName 2 days ago

3 replies

People should be much more sceptical than they are being here. Setting the xmp profile of Hynix or Samsung memory chips is right up there with formatting usb keys way over spec. Did you know Hynix or Samsung already binned these themselves and set them to a lower spec?

The number of performance memory chips I’ve had that had to be downclocked from their xmp profile for stability is ridiculous. It’s gotten to the stage where I’d recommend only buying memory from the first party suppliers (eg. only buy Samsung or Hynix memory). The gaming companies like the above are simply taking that memory and overwriting the xmp profile while adding some flashy but useless heat spreaders.

0xcde4c3db 2 days ago

Also, the vendors announcing these things so far are ones I've literally never heard of before. I'd still be a bit skeptical, but I think it would actually mean something if Kingston, G.Skill, Corsair, or Teamgroup announced this product. As it stands, I have no reason to think that I'll ever be able to actually buy this product.

> flashy but useless heat spreaders

The funny thing about heat spreaders on SDRAM is that they originated as a skeuomorph of RDRAM modules from the early Pentium 4 days, but everyone's pretty much forgotten that by now, so the market is essentially flooded with "retro" memory for no obvious reason except "everybody else does it".

wtallis 2 days ago

> Did you know Hynix or Samsung already binned these themselves and set them to a lower spec?

Hynix, Samsung, and Micron bin the chips for what speed they can operate at with a 1.1V supply. These enthusiast modules are using chips binned for the speed they can hit with 1.4V. The XMP/EXPO profiles don't come from Hynix, Samsung, or Micron.

homebrewer 2 days ago

Stability problems might very well come from incorrect voltages. Since XMP profiles do not contain settings for most voltages, they're set by the motherboard firmware, and those values are often too high. I use XMP/EXPO profiles as a starting point, they're almost always terrible by themselves.