Comment by eru

Comment by eru 2 days ago

2 replies

Have you considered that those foreigners are humans, too?

Or do you believe in out-of-sight-is-out-of-mind?

weweersdfsd a day ago

Of course they are humans like everybody else. But I do not support mass migration as a tool for bringing the wages further down and exploiting workers. I think the rich should be taxed much more, and that money used to reduce poverty & improve education globally. It's not migration itself that is the problem, but the fact many migrants are in a position where they can be exploited more easily than native workers.

In ideal world businesses would have to pay a fair livable wage, no matter where they build factories, or receive migrants from.

  • eru 7 hours ago

    Mass migration would bring their wages _up_, not down. That's why they would migrate.

    > It's not migration itself that is the problem, but the fact many migrants are in a position where they can be exploited more easily than native workers.

    Well, if you let people migrate easily and legally, they wouldn't be easier to exploit than native workers.