Comment by consteval

Comment by consteval 2 days ago

2 replies

Unfortunately, your "real life" experience is worthless because it's at odds with reality.

Everyone likes to believe they're mama's special little laborer. One in a million, a diamond in the rough.

Even if this were true (it's not), IF you banded with fellow super duper awesome laborers you would necessarily have more bargaining power. It's just logical. If losing you is X bad, then losing 3 of you is X * 3 bad. Given X is some positive number, which is bigger: X or 3X? 3X, of course, so you have much more leverage.

What you need to keep in mind is you have absolutely 0 point of reference. You can't say "well I have a ton of leverage!" when you've never been in a SWE union. You haven't, have you? Okay, so what are you comparing against? Nothing, right?

And even though you have nothing to compare against, you still believe you're correct? With no basis? I'd check your hubris.

adamtaylor_13 2 days ago

I feel I may be wasting my time by pointing out that “real life” == “reality”.

At any rate, I disagree. I don’t like the idea of someone controlling my work prospects for a tiny bump in pay. I’m more than capable of negotiating my own pay.

Fact is, I have enough leverage to be happy with where I’ve gotten in life and I think there’s enough like-minded people like me that (hopefully) we’ll never have to put this theory to the test.

Mama’s special laborer will keep on doing this own thing.

  • consteval a day ago

    > I’m more than capable of negotiating my own pay

    You're not, you've merely deluded yourself into believing it. What I'm telling you about leverage isn't an opinion, it's objective. You, objectively, factually, have significantly less leverage by yourself.

    > I think there’s enough like-minded people like me

    Unfortunately, you are correct. There exist swaths of people at the intersection of selfish and delusional. The unfortunate thing is, you're not even particularly good at being selfish. If you were, you'd recognize often the best way to propel yourself forward is to help others too.

    You believe that, by depriving other's of money, there will be more for someone as special as you. Even a few years in corporate America will prove, without a doubt, this isn't the case.