Comment by resters

Comment by resters 2 days ago

4 replies

only because of the outsized political importance of a few states that happen to specialize in outdated manufacturing technologies and happen to have enough electoral votes that politicians have an incentive to subsidize them.

It's a massive tax on the economy all to provide a tiny bit of welfare to a small number of workers. Better to just pay them a welfare check!

hajile 2 days ago

The world is the most unstable it has been in decades. If/when a war kicks off, you have to have your supply chain local because the oceans will be instantly impassable until we can work out how to counter submarines.

This has little to do with welfare and everything to do with national security.

  • resters 2 days ago

    Uh, having entrenched trade relationships across oceans dramatically reduces the chance of war. Trump launched the tariffs to reduce "dependency" on China because it was the "dependency" that held back the typical rhetoric that leads to war.

stetrain 2 days ago

A lot of the new manufacturing isn't going to the states that specialized in manufacturing previously.

A lot of the boom in EV and battery production is happening in the US southeast (Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina). The TSMC factory is in Arizona.

  • resters 2 days ago

    Exactly, yet the push toward taxpayer-subsidized domestic manufacturing is driven by rust-belt politics.