Comment by beedeebeedee

Comment by beedeebeedee 2 days ago

20 replies

> If you can't find any parking lot you keep driving, it doesn't allow you to double park and block someone else's car. If you are too weak to maintain your posture at war you should't fight it on the backs of civilians.

That cuts both ways. Just like hamas should not hide amongst civilians, if Israel is too weak to go into Gaza to arrest hamas, it has no excuse to act illegitimately and bomb civilians.

ilbeeper 2 days ago

True, that's why Israel army is in Gaza right now fighting Hamas instead of burning down the entire strip.

  • beedeebeedee 2 days ago

    > instead of burning down the entire strip

    Their bombing campaign begs to differ

  • peterashford 14 hours ago

    Have you seen the rubble that was Gaza?

    • ilbeeper 3 hours ago

      It's terrible, heart breaking. But that's the outcome of very slow army attacks, with evacuations, humanitarian aid and efforts to minimize civilians casualties, not maximizing it.

      The army could have burn down the entire strip from the air and leave no person or stone there, in five minutes. That's what I meant by burning down the entire strip. If Hamas had the power to do the same to Israel they would gladly do so, as is evident from the way they use their power and resources.

      Saying that it's 'cutting both ways' is evil statement. One side gladly ignores the lives and suffering of it's own people, while the other pay with the lives of soldiers in an effort to minimize the death toll of the same people.

beltsazar 2 days ago

But if they hide amongst civilians and Israel is too weak, what do you suggest Israel should do instead?

  • beedeebeedee 2 days ago

    Try a different approach than engaging in war/apartheid. The practice of the IDF "mowing the grass" by harming civilians has been long established and commented on. Certain Israeli politicians also empowered Hamas, in order to divide and discredit the Palestinians, so that they would not be in a suitable position to negotiate an end to the conflict. Practices like that do not produce peace. I suggest Israel do its best to look at its role in this conflict (and not just Hamas's) and then act in good faith to bring about peace, so that there are no more terrorist attacks like Oct. 7.

    • beltsazar 2 days ago

      Oct 7 happened and you're suggesting a different approach than a war, i.e. diplomatic solutions? That's too naive—not even the most pacifist country would do that.

      And let's not pretend that no diplomatic solutions have been proposed, all of which were rejected. They will only accept it if they own every inch of the land and Israel is obliterated (their own word).

      • beedeebeedee 2 days ago

        > Oct 7 happened and you're suggesting a different approach than a war, i.e. diplomatic solutions? That's too naive

        The actions that led up to Oct. 7 long predate it. The seeds of this have been sown every year that the IDF "mowed the grass" and every time they tried to disrupt the PLO from negotiating a peace. Remember, an Israeli prime minister was assassinated for seeking and negotiating peace- not by the Palestinians but by a radical Israeli, whose politics are aligned with the current prime minister. This current prime minister has used his long time in office to disrupt and prevent any peace from occurring.

km3r 2 days ago


  • beedeebeedee 2 days ago

    This is not a war between sovereign states.

    • km3r 2 days ago


      • beedeebeedee 2 days ago

        That was not a conflict within a state. No one expected the US military to attack ISIS members within the US- that is clearly a police and judicial matter (and was thankfully treated as such).

        • km3r 2 days ago

          Sorry but the failure of the state to contain the terrorist organization within it does not mean Israel should be expected to sit there and be attacked. Any country, when its citizens are attacked, have a right and a duty to respond.

          Or maybe you are confused and think some how Israel has security control within Lebanon? Which is clearly not true.