ziddoap 2 days ago

Not disclosed in this comment is that edublancas is

>Ploomber (YC W22) co-founder.

  • Kalanos 2 days ago

    who is a great technologist with a lot of hands on experience. if it made sense to leverage papermill, he would have done so and focused on something else.

    • ziddoap 2 days ago

      What does any of this have to do with disclosure?

      • Kalanos 2 days ago

        calling attention to disclosure suggests bias. i'm obviously saying that i trust him not to be biased.

throwpoaster 2 days ago

iirc, a few years back I was able to do all of these things with the Papermill IPython runtime.

Papermill is great, but yes: lots of room to hack on it and make it better.

  • edublancas 2 days ago

    has papermill deprecated the ipython runtime? I used papermill extensively in the past and I never saw that in their docs.

    • throwpoaster a day ago

      It’s been a while but you do it with a custom kernel and maybe some entry point tweaks. IIRC.