Comment by limit499karma

Comment by limit499karma 2 days ago

8 replies

> Gold Apollo founder Hsu Ching-Kuang said the pagers used in the explosion were made by a company in Europe that had the right to use the Taipei-based firm's brand, "The product was not ours. It was only that it had our brand on it"

He also said it was strange he got paid from "Middle East". That statement of his also indicates this was not a long standing "licensing" agreement. Someone likely called up from "Europe" and asked for the license for that specific device.

Conclusion: the company in Europe is a paper fiction. The devices were made in "Israel" and the only time they may have been in Europe was to get them from Middle East to so a "European" company can ship them back.

This also means Hezbollah has an asset in its upper ranks. We can assume this since they announced before "We're gonna use pagers from now on folks" and thus prior to this Shin Bet had no reason to run a cutout in "Europe" making pagers. The entire production chain was then a fiction setup likely recently, certainly post "headsup everyone, pagers" announcement by the targeted organization.

So the chain of events is clear:

- "Did all you hear we are going to use pagers?"

- Shin Bet sets up the phony production Taiwan -> EU.

- Devices made in "Israel".

- Asset recommends make / model / seller.

- boom.

71bw a day ago

Why are you referring to Israel with its name in quotation marks?

  • [removed] a day ago
MichaelZuo 2 days ago

I think from now on future OEMs will be very careful indicating whether a product was in fact made by them, under their supervision, or was license made by some third party.

  • talldayo 2 days ago

    You'd think that. Here in America, the NSA has been intercepting and bugging servers for decades, and manufacturers have been suspiciously quiet about the whole affair.

    Suffice to say, when enough pressure can be exerted by a government agency, OEMs are happy to keep their mouth shut.