Comment by phillipcarter

Comment by phillipcarter 2 days ago

1 reply

The python problems with opentelemetry are mostly due to python being a bit of a mess. Yes, the async model is weird and that in turn makes it harder to instrument compared to something like .NET. But then the combination of libraries and environments change out from under you, you update your autoinstrumentation agent, and now the app crashes. And you find some GitHub issue saying that flask brings in this new dependency that somehow breaks something else and so now you can't instrument flask apps.

^^^ most of the above is just what I've dealt with as a maintainer in OTel, and it's maddening. FWIW that's all been finally dealt with, but python just feels like something ready to keel over at a moment's notice to me. Far more fragile a language and ecosystem than anything else.

krashidov 2 days ago

Agreed. This could be a personal skill issue, but I've started a new job where Django is the main codebase and getting decent OTel has been a struggle.

In fact, everything with Python has been a struggle