Comment by fwipsy

Comment by fwipsy 2 days ago

3 replies

I brush and floss every day but the cost is not trivial. Saving ten minutes EVERY day for everyone who brushes would be a massive, massive success. Not to mention it would improve health for people who can't get into the habit.

johnmaguire 2 days ago

I suspect you'll still want to brush your teeth for reasons besides cavities.

  • culi 2 days ago

    A simple salt water rinse is enough to deal with halitosis. Much easier and the effects seem to last longer than prescription mouthwashes at a sufficient concentration.

    • gamblor956 2 days ago

      The study you cited actually shows that salt water was only effective for 3 hours, vs 5 hours or more for the prescription mouthwashes. Furthermore, all concentrations of the prescription mouthwashes showed significantly reduced bacterial populations with continued usage (meaning, they got more effective over time.) while the salt water rinse did not.