Comment by panick21_

Comment by panick21_ 2 months ago

2 replies

And all of these are wrong. NASA budget is bigger then the rest of the world combined.

Low risk tolerance isn't a really problem.

High-tech is actually good and these mythical cheap heavy designs don't actually exist. SpaceX is building Starship and Raptor not SeaDragon. This is just the old 'Soviet tanks are cheaper nonsense repackaged for Space'.

The 4th is a problem, but not actually the biggest problem.

The real issue is that NASA doesn't get a goal and money. Each program is individually controlled by congress, budget is strictly allocated to certain program.

When a former NASA administrator even suggested to do something that would hurt a important program, and make it much cheaper he was instantly threatened with firing and told if he continued to publicly talk about it, he would be removed. He in fact suggested he should just resign.

And this suggested change wasn't even a very hard attack compared to what NASA SHOULD actually have done.

If you spend 30 years and 60 billion $ achieving basically nothing and congress is incredibly happy with the program, you know you have a totally broken system.

Chips are plenty save in space, this isn't that big of a problem and doing all this logic in TTL wouldn't make sense.