Comment by Havoc

Comment by Havoc 2 days ago

3 replies

That’s a lot of injured and very angry very freshly motivated terrorists…and not a lot of dead ones.

Not convinced this is a net win for Israel

trallnag 2 days ago

Israel loses if it kills it's enemies. That's your logic? Reminds me of Trudeau "if you kill your enemies, they win".

  • Havoc 2 days ago

    >Israel loses if it kills it's enemies. That's your logic?

    huh? No not at all

    Saying that those 2k+ injured Hammas are going to spend time recovering and when they're back they're going to be even more motivated to harm Israel.

    Would have been better to do nothing. Or to kill them. But nothing in between.

bbqfog 2 days ago

It's also going to be devastating to the Israeli economy. Who would possibly use Israeli tech now?