Comment by masswerk

Comment by masswerk 2 days ago

3 replies

It's a pager! Also, there's some evidence for this, as 2 out of 12 killed are children.

And it's not a full-fledged war, yet, as illustrated by the fact that the targets were still in their civilian settings. Generally, this may backfire quite a bit, as in a massuve influx in recruiting. (If the same happened to the US and reservists were blown up by some obscure vector amongst their families and while shopping, what would you expect? Awe and accepting defeat?)

sceptical 2 days ago


  • masswerk 2 days ago

    Well, we all know how humiliating Pearl Harbor had been…

    (While areal bombing, sanctions, assassinations, surprise attacks, and the like, have never worked, and, to the contrary, have always proven to further cohesion, this time, it will be totally demoralizing, for sure! /s)