Comment by swalsh

Comment by swalsh 2 days ago

2 replies

"US manufacturing is about to be reinvigorated"

Oh i'm going to be downvoted into oblivion for this one.... but I think this is a win we can give to Trump. It was a hard focus of his, I think he put the right people in place to do it, and I think time is going to prove he was right to do it.

I didn't vote for him in 2016, but I think it's important to acknowledge it.

erellsworth 2 days ago

This is because of the CHIPS act. Other than Trump's constant whinging about China, he didn't have anything to do with this.

  • swalsh 2 days ago

    I understand, but I was commenting specifically around the comment "US Manufacturing is reinvigorating" which it is, and which is more general than chips.

    I think when the Trump admin renegotiated trade policies (and I'll given Biden credit for keeping them) the economic incentives were rebalanced. I think the result is complex/low volume manufacturing is starting to return to the US, and simple high volume manufacturing is moving to Mexico (which we have a very good relationship with... i'll discredit Trump for being so stupidly aggressive with them in the first few months of his administration though)