Comment by Lvl999Noob

Comment by Lvl999Noob 2 days ago

3 replies

It could be used to differentiate LLM text from pre-LLM human text maybe. The thing, our AIs may not be very good at learning but our brains are. The more we use AI, the more we integrate LLMs and other tools into our life, the more their output will influence us. I believe there was a study (or a few anecdotes) where college papers checked for AI material were marked AI written even though they were written by humans because the students used AI during their studying and learned from it.

MPSimmons 2 days ago

You're exactly right. You only have to look at the prevalence of the word "unalive" in real life contexts to find an example.

thfuran 2 days ago

>our AIs may not be very good at learning but our brains are

Brains aren't nearly as good at slightly adjusting the statistical properties of a text corpus as computers are.

left-struck 2 days ago

> The more we use AI, the more we integrate LLMs and other tools into our life, the more their output will influence us

Hmm I don’t disagree but I think it will be valuable skill going forward to write text that doesn’t read like it was written by an LLM

This is an arms race that I’m not sure we can win though. It’s almost like a GAN.