Comment by _Wintermute

Comment by _Wintermute 2 days ago

4 replies

> It’s not necessary though, because the R community does a good job avoiding name conflicts

That has not at all been my experience. Loading the tidyverse pulls over 1000 things into your global namespace and clobbers several standard library functions in the process. Never mind that seemingly every single package has its own "filter" function.

When you start getting different results based on the order you import packages it's usually a bad sign.

egecant 2 days ago

Maybe its because you load tidyverse, which is a library of libraries, instead of loading only what you need? It seems like an issue related to your understanding of the tidyverse rather than R.

  • _Wintermute 2 days ago

    I understand the tidyverse perfectly well. Unfortunately it's become a habit of R users to import it at the top of every R script without thinking of the consequences of other users/maintainers.

tway_GdBRwW 2 days ago

Yes, because tidyverse should be called tidycurse. It's designed to be easy to teach, under the assumption that ALL you learn is tidycurse. Just don't use it!

Use datatable instead.