Comment by DebtDeflation

Comment by DebtDeflation 2 days ago

4 replies

Enshittification is accelerating. A good 70% of my Facebook feed is now obviously AI generated images with AI generated text blurbs that have nothing to do with the accompanying images likely posted by overseas bot farms. I'm also noticing more and more "books" on Amazon that are clearly AI generated and self published.

janice1999 2 days ago

It's okay. Amazon has limited authors to self publishing only 3 books per day (yes, really). That will surely solve the problem.

  • wpietri 2 days ago

    Hah! I'm trying to figure out the exact date that crossed from "plausible line from a Stross or Sterling novel" [1] to "of course they did".

    [1] Or maybe Sheckley or Lem, now that I think about it.

  • Drakim 2 days ago

    I read that as 3 books per year at first and thought to myself that that was a rather harsh limitation but surely any true respectable author wouldn't be spitting more than that...

    ...and then I realized you wrote 3 books a day. What the hell.

Sohcahtoa82 2 days ago

> A good 70% of my Facebook feed is now obviously AI generated images with AI generated text blurbs that have nothing to do with the accompanying images likely posted by overseas bot farms.

This is a self-inflicted problem, IMO.

Do you just have shitty friends that share all that crap? Or are you following shitty pages?

I use Facebook a decent amount, and I don't suffer from what you're complaining about. Your feed is made of what you make it. Unfollow the pages that make that crap. If you have friends that share it, consider unfriending or at the very least, unfollowing. Or just block the specific pages they're sharing posts from.