Comment by lm28469

Comment by lm28469 2 days ago

11 replies

> It's downvoted because it's the definition of proportional.

Two wrongs don't make a right... are we really at that level of brain activity on HN of all places ? this is schoolyard level

You can have proportional terrorism, proportional war crimes, proportional crimes against humanity. Proportionality doesn't tell you much, it certainly doesn't tell you anything about it being indiscriminate or not

> Certainly not "indiscriminate".

Cool, go tell that to the two kids who died:

Also feel free to read the actual texts defining these things, detonating explosives in supermarkets is indiscriminate by nature, there is just no way around it if you're in good faith :

Both sides are clearly operating out of the boundaries we defined for conventional wars, is it really that hard to accept ? They're not even trying to hide it really... such a strange allergic reaction to these basic facts

nahumfarchi 2 days ago

Proportionality is at the center of defining a war crime.

"The principle of proportionality (Article 51(5) (b) API) states that even if there is a clear military target it is not possible to attack it if the expected harm to civilians, or civilian property, is excessive in relation to the expected military advantage."

So, the case that Israel has to make here is that the expected millitary advantage from the operation exceeds the collateral damage. The fact that civilians died doesn't automatically make it a war crime from an international law point of view.

  • mempko 2 days ago

    I don't believe those children who died care about definitions. In fact they don't care much about anything anymore since they are dead.

    • dijit 2 days ago

      Appeal to emotion is harder to take seriously when Hezbollah rockets killed 12 children this year alone.

      • beedeebeedee 2 days ago

        Appeal to not be emotional is even harder to take seriously when Hezbollah rockets killed 12 children and Israel has killed 10,000 children this year alone.

      • lm28469 a day ago

        You're almost there buddy... people criticising israel here are also criticising hezbollah for war crimes... you don't have to pick a side and close your eyes on their actions

        • dijit a day ago

          They're not though.

          AOC being the most prominent example that comes to mind immediately.

    • nahumfarchi 2 days ago

      Their death is tragic, but such is war unfortunately... Lebanon is participating in this one whether they like to or not.

      That aside, these definitions were written for a reason, even if they have no appeal to the current victims.