Comment by FridayoLeary

Comment by FridayoLeary 2 days ago

3 replies

I doubt the company exists anymore or that there's anyone left in hungary who can be held responsible. Here's what i imagine took place:

step one: mossad sets up some sham manufacturing facility in Hungary or buys an existing one.

Step 2: reach out to gold apollo and make a deal to produce their pagers under license. Money no object they probably offered them very good terms. Gold apollo is so pleased by the money being offered they fail to investigate the company properly. Step 3: mossad agents start production introducing lethal batteries into the design, produce several thousand units then vanish leaving apollo executives bewildered but they have the money already so they don't ask too many questions.

Step 4: sell all the pagers at a great price to some hezbolla arms dealer, go home, buy some popcorn and turn on the tv.

In short everyone involved have probably disappeared months ago.

Also a really clever part is that they could have turned a profit on the sale meaning the operation was at least partly subsidised by hezbolla themselves.

d1sxeyes 2 days ago

There are lots of companies with questionable practices in Hungary. One scam I am aware of is companies that are registered in the names of homeless people whose sole function is to churn out receipts that other companies buy at fractions of their face value in order to run “clean” expenses through their books and effectively launder money.

Would not surprise me if this turned out to be something like that.

  • FridayoLeary 2 days ago

    Its not just Hungary. There's a famous high street in London with a series of sweet shops (about 2 dozen) that are a very obvious front for a money laundering scheme. Allegedly the taliban or some other afghan crime ring).

    I don't know why the authorities are ignoring them but it's probably such a big can of worms that everyones afraid to open it.

    • d1sxeyes 2 days ago

      Gummy worms?

      In all seriousness though, those “sweet shops” and “Thai massage parlours” and the like are clearly fronts for money laundering. I doubt they’re being ignored, but as you say, there’s probably some reason no one’s dealt with them yet.