Comment by XorNot

Comment by XorNot 2 days ago

3 replies

Selling your own parts to be restamped as another brand is common though. Selling your brand to be stamped on someone else's parts is basically only useful to do this exact thing though.

FridayoLeary 2 days ago

Why would you say that? Many everyday products are produced under license or franchise with the brand having minimal involvement in the entire process. Even if apollo had done qc in the factory it would be easy to trick them.

  • hi-v-rocknroll 2 days ago

    Manufacturers for certain categories of products are homogenized, often regionally, whereas the brands maybe many.

    Plus, clandestine supply chain attacks fall into 2 categories:

    - A. With manufacturer/reseller complicity. (Not many manufacturers choose this because it would harm their business.)

    - B. Without manufacturer/reseller complicity, but with logistics interception for sw/hw implants or complete substitution. (This is the method NSA TAO used to load implants into Cisco gear.)

  • [removed] 2 days ago