Comment by alganet

Comment by alganet 2 days ago

2 replies

One question seems obvious:

With AIs and stuff, are we saving humanity's digital history, or are we saving a swarm of potentially biased auto-generated content published by the few that can afford the large scale deployment of LLMs?

jmclnx 2 days ago

Maybe recent pages this is true, but in 2013, AFAIK AI was not yet a thing.

But too bad these sites generated by AI are not tagged in some manner. But an argument could be made that these AI pages are reviewed by a person before they hit the WEB. One can hope anyway :)

  • alganet 2 days ago

    Let's consider SEO practices as an example. SEO spam probably IS very likely always reviewed by a person before publishing.

    It is still biased and garbage anyway, because the reviewer only cares about its effect on affecting ranking algorithms, not the heritage of digital human history.