Comment by FollowingTheDao

Comment by FollowingTheDao 2 days ago

1 reply

I not only found a genetic disorder that my mother and I shared (Partial PNP Deficiency) but I also found an woman who was the illegitimate daughter of my Uncle (who had passed away) and she was fianlly able to see pictures of him and know more about him.

There is so much more power in 23andMe's Raw Data regarding health than people realize and I am capitalizing on it. (Less with the v5 chip but it is still really good,)

Finding drugs with 23andMe is a waste of time and is not wehre they should be focusing on making money. They should be focusing on personalized medicine.

raddan 2 days ago

I also have a rare genetic disorder (alpha-1 antitrypsin disorder) and discovered it using 23andMe. I am in the process of working with a pulmonologist to manage the disease, and if they had not screened me for it, I would have written off my symptoms as “just bad asthma.” Currently there is no health product that 23andMe sells that is appealing to me, but if there were, I would gladly pay. I hope they can stick it out because their DNA screening is a valuable service.