Comment by ClumsyPilot

Comment by ClumsyPilot 2 days ago

1 reply

> I think it was a big case of corporate welfare that will result in somewhat increased chip production in the US.

I see two issues with this:

One, this is the same kind of subsidies and meddling with the markets that we accuse China of doing. If we are adopting state-led approach, it can be done in a serious manner without being hypocrites. But that would also require admission of some mistakes.

Two - why is it seen as okay to give tax breaks to an engineering company, why not give tax breaks to engineers themselves instead? Companies are imaginary, people are real, why not give incentives to individuals?

At least that money won’t be squirrelled away in tax heavens.

eru 2 days ago

Just don't hand out tax breaks to politically favoured groups, but clean up the overall tax system to make it simpler and saner..

But that's hard to do politically.