stephen_g 2 days ago

Well, yeah… The US doesn’t really have allies (the one exception some would say is Israel) - why would Taiwan be any different from the others? Interestingly, TSMC only became a stand-out player in the last 15 years, before then there were basically zero reasons for the US to care about Taiwan except to contain China. Now they have one reason apart from containing China, but it’s still mostly just about China.

  • barsonme 2 days ago

    The United States has many allies. Obviously the US and UK have a “special relationship.” Then there is AUKUS. Then NATO. DoD calls a number of SEA countries “allies,” including Japan and Korea.

    Stating that the US has no allies other than Israel is unequivocally false.

    • willy_k 2 days ago

      The really before the claim suggests that GP is referring to internal attitudes, I would imagine that they are aware that NATO is technically an alliance.

  • ijidak 2 days ago

    There is probably no alliance on earth tighter than the U.S. and the U.K.

    If that's not an alliance, then you might as well say that alliances don't exist anywhere. (And maybe that is what you mean to say.)

    Even the alliance with Israel can't compete with the alliance between the US and UK from World War I to now.

    • macintux 2 days ago

      > There is probably no alliance on earth tighter than the U.S. and the U.K.

      I'd argue North Korea & China have a closer relationship.

      • thimabi 2 days ago

        They do not. China sometimes — though not always — endorses and enforces Security Council sanctions against North Korea, and acts as a moderating force in its contacts with North Korean leadership. Substantial differences of opinion between the U.S. and the U.K., not to mention actual policy antagonism, is very rare.