Comment by dbspin

Comment by dbspin 2 days ago

2 replies

I agree that a 'corporate death penalty' would be enormously open to abuse, sector rivals would be even more incentivised to industrial espionage for one thing...

But 'a distraction from fines'? Fines do nothing to help those affected by such breaches. Even class action lawsuits usually result in symbolic payouts to individual victims. Given the potential consequences of these breathes - especially in the health space, criminal prosecution for those executives responsible seem appropriate, commensurate and incentivising.

JumpCrisscross 2 days ago

> But 'a distraction from fines'? Fines do nothing to help those affected by such breaches

Bigger fines. Fines that bankrupt the company. Note: bankrupt. Not shut down. Clean out the shareholders and upper management, possibly spin some stuff off or even break it up. (There is this popular conception that bankruptcy means an F-35 bombs the company’s offices and factories and it’s plain wrong.)

Corporate death penalty is a distraction from bigger fines.