Comment by 4gotunameagain

Comment by 4gotunameagain 2 days ago

5 replies

There is no way to control where the pagers will end up. No way to control who will be near them, even if they are owned by a target.

You do know that carpet bombing is a war crime by Geneva Conventions ?

EmptyCoffeeCup 2 days ago

What do you mean? You fire out the "detonate" command on the frequency used by Hezbollah - only pagers connected to that network blow.

It's statistically probable you'll overwhelmingly damage terrorists. Sadly collateral damage is inevitable in war, and this is far more precise than even a laser guided bomb.

ilbeeper 2 days ago

Carpet bombing is a large area bombardment done in a progressive manner to inflict damage in every part of a selected area of land. (From Wikipedia).

In what way does the pagers attack resemble covering an entire area with a carpet of bombs?

[removed] 2 days ago
nahumfarchi 2 days ago


  • remram 2 days ago

    Yes. Enough whataboutism, criticizing Israel for war crimes doesn't mean we think the opposition is not terrorist.