Comment by beeboobaa3

Comment by beeboobaa3 2 days ago

6 replies

You're shopping for groceries. someone is standing next to you. Their pager explodes and you are severely injured. You never had anything to do with this war.

Still think it's surgical? By that definition 9/11 was surgical as well, after all they only targeted two towers and just a few people who happened to be there got hurt.

babkayaga 2 days ago

surely more surgical than what these guys were doing, which is repeatedly shoot missiles at densely populated areas, for months.

  • 34679 2 days ago

    Are you talking about the IDF's indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza?

  • [removed] 2 days ago
  • beeboobaa3 2 days ago

    Two wrongs don't make a right.

    The US could just drop nukes on any country they have a trade dispute with. They don't, because that is insane and disproportionate and they have the capability to do better than that.

    What Israel did here is something you would expect from a terrorist organization.

H8crilA 2 days ago

In comparison to bombing to smithereens the entire block, and having hundreds/thousands of people die under the rubble, some of them over the course of days - yes.

Do you know that 100 is more than 1? Some people get confused by simple arithmetic.