Comment by pjmlp

Comment by pjmlp 2 days ago

2 replies

Regardless, even if they renew the certification, they aren't obliged to expose in the classical POSIX APIs more than what the certification requires in features, or happens to be optional, implementation defined.

As anyone that has painfully tried to write POSIX portable code across big iron UNIX is aware of.

throw0101a 2 days ago

> Regardless, even if they renew the certification, they aren't obliged to expose in the classical POSIX APIs more than what the certification requires in features, or happens to be optional, implementation defined.

getaddrinfo() is part of POSIX, so it would be necessary to expose it:

* (2004)

* (2017)

* (2024)

  • pjmlp 2 days ago

    And it is exposed, the code still compiles if one uses it, it just doesn't get additional nice macOS networking features that aren't explicilty required for UNIX certification.

    Where does it say DNS encryption is required?