Comment by kragen

Comment by kragen 2 days ago

2 replies

here's a bookmark from a few days ago: #video on #China/#USA politics trying to keep out electric vehicles with 100% tariffs while US car companies spend their government EV research grants on stock buybacks. High-end electric cars, electric dumptrucks, and even electric mopeds support battery-change recharging; it’s commercially deployed. They’re very impressed with how advanced all the Chinese cars are, and also positively impressed with how accommodating the auto parts manufacturers they met with were, especially by contrast to US and Canadian companies.

a thing i didn't mention in that bookmark is that the prc-company-made equivalent to the (prc-made) tesla model y (still the most popular car in the prc) is one fourth of the price

corimaith 2 days ago

Somebody took the time to bookmark some political video about the trade war between China and US to post in a comment on hackernews?

  • kragen 2 days ago

    my bookmarks file has 14601 entries, including dozens of entries about that trade war.† i find that it's helpful to be able to cite sources when discussing topics with other people, and summarizing them helps me understand them better to start with

    the video itself is only incidentally political; it's a 'custom car build show' from canada with 700k subscribers which primarily focuses on things like engine performance, welding machines, impact wrenches, and fixing dilapidated machinery. but a month ago the guys that make the show decided to go to china to see if they could source some car parts for their custom builds, and they were absolutely blown away by how much more advanced chinese cars were than usa-made cars, to the point that they filled a half-hour video mostly marveling at that

    to me this seemed relevant to the thread


    † i'm interested in things that seem likely to result in hundreds of millions of deaths in the next few years, so there are lots of entries about drones and the ukraine war too, for example