Comment by unwind

Comment by unwind 2 days ago

4 replies

Very nice, I'm always for more assembly-level programming and education!

A very minor grammar thing, here:

In our example, the mnemonic is mov, which stands for move, and the operands are rax and rbx. This instruction in plain English would read: move the content of rbx in rax.

I believe the last part would be better as "... content of rbx to rax", i.e. "to" instead of "in". I'm not a native speaker, though.

danwills 2 days ago

Agreed, indeed I thought that "Copy the contents of rbx to rax" might be even clearer (mov doesn't remove the value from rbx IIUC!)

  • delta_p_delta_x 2 days ago

    I'd say 'Yoda speak' makes translating from Intel syntax to English a lot easier.

      mov rax rbx
      Into rax, copy the contents of rbx.
    • genewitch 2 days ago

      if you tell someone you're moving, a generalized first question they would ask is "where?" not "what".

      move Fiji belongings

shikaan 2 days ago

Thanks for the comment and for taking the time to read :) I fixed it and it flows much better now