Comment by LatteLazy

Comment by LatteLazy 2 days ago

6 replies

This fixes the issue with leaks. But it creates a much worse issue: anyone can now sequence anyone else's DNA with zero oversight or privacy controls.

The film Gattaca covers how this could lead to a sort of night are society pretty well, I highly recommend it.

It also makes it much much harder to use the data for clinical research.

gizmondo 2 days ago

What prevents anyone from sequencing anyone else's DNA with the current system?

  • duped 2 days ago

    Nothing but terms and conditions of the website. That's how Paul Holes identified the Golden State Killer, he created a fake profile and sent in the DNA from a crime scene and worked backwards from the results to find a suspect.

  • red-iron-pine 2 days ago

    aye. fake emails aren't hard to come across. create a fake username and ID, and then claim the sample is you or your kid.

tylervigen 2 days ago

OK, you send the company two random numbers. One an ID, and the other a unique encryption key to encrypt the results.

nytesky 2 days ago

Great movie and I didn’t realize the title was composed of a nucleic acid sequence until like the 2020s!

psychlops 2 days ago

Out of curiosity, how is this "much worse" than a breached honeypot of DNA information?