Comment by throwitaway1123

Comment by throwitaway1123 3 days ago

8 replies

Using a list combined with the walrus operator is a clever hack, but it's nice to not be limited to expressions. In JS you can define the equivalent of a multi-line lambda function with any number of statements (which is helpful when you're passing a function as a callback e.g. in a React hook).

skeledrew 2 days ago

It may be nice in the moment, but there's usually regret a few weeks/months down the line when trying to read that code, or angst for the next developer. There isn't that much more effort to just create a normal def to hold that increase in complexity suggested by the need for multiple statements. That's why functions were invented in the first place.

  • throwitaway1123 2 days ago

    If a callback function gets really unwieldy then you should probably extract it from the call site and define it elsewhere, but that should happen because you decided to, not because the language's limitations coerced you into doing it. The lambda restrictions in Python are probably due to the complexities of parsing indentation based languages, and the clean code argument is just a helpful rationalization. I've never woken up in angst over the fact that I wrote a callback function with two statements in it.

    • skeledrew 2 days ago

      There may be a few restrictions due to complexity, but lambdas isn't one. This is about decent and sane design choice[0] for readability.


      • throwitaway1123 2 days ago

        From the blog post you linked: "But the complexity of any proposed solution for this puzzle is immense, to me: it requires the parser (or more precisely, the lexer) to be able to switch back and forth between indent-sensitive and indent-insensitive modes, keeping a stack of previous modes and indentation level."

        He's saying exactly what I said: that parsing (or more precisely lexing) makes the problem complex, because Python uses indentation semantically. He then rationalizes avoiding the implementation complexity with a gut feeling: "But none of that takes away my gut feeling".