Comment by kelnos

Comment by kelnos 2 days ago

1 reply

I suppose it depends on where you are from and your politics, but I think many people outside the US would feel safer with chip production in the US than under Chinese control. I don't think most would really jump at the chance to buy the same chip from a US manufacturing plant vs. a Taiwanese one, but if China were to make a move on Taiwan, I'm not sure the world's computing resources would be particularly safe. (Not to mention, I wouldn't be surprised if the secret back-room plan was to raze Taiwan's chip manufacturing capability to the ground if it looked like China was going to win a takeover of the island.)

Even ignoring the specific players, having critical advanced technology manufactured in more than one place increases world security. What if, say, a catastrophic earthquake were to significantly damage Taiwan's chip manufacturing? Having expertise and working, active manufacturing elsewhere is a good thing.