Comment by ninetyninenine

Comment by ninetyninenine 2 days ago

11 replies

Yeah China has only ever really been a major player for about 3 decades. In a third of a century it has Actually SHRUNK American manufacturing to the point where there was genuine knowledge loss. It was cheaper to manufacture things in China so we used China, and now America doesn't even have the capacity to manufacture anything on the scale of China.

>just its share of GDP has fallen as other sectors have grown faster

I think this is inn-accurate. You're looking at a century of data but China only took 1 decade to overtake the US. We're now three decades in and the overall decline of American manufacturing is pretty evident.

breerbgoat 2 days ago

I see empty factories in Shenzhen and Donguan, and massive unemployment in Guandong in September 2024. And I raise you full factories in Vietnam.

  • ninetyninenine 2 days ago

    True. That shift would be in the last couple of years. Maybe Vietnam is next China. But this is still an emerging event. What China did to the US already happened.

    • bluGill 2 days ago

      Vietnam doesn't have the population to be the next China. I wish them the best, but their time will not last nearly as long as China. (or more likely it lasts as long but it is shared with a bunch of other countries in Asia, Africa, and/or South America)

      • thimabi 2 days ago

        Nowadays, with so much automation going around, Vietnam can afford to become the next China even without a comparable population. Not that I think it will, but see the story of the Four Asian Tigers to realize how smaller countries can suddenly have a much bigger importance to the world economy.

    • eru 2 days ago

      Made Americans a lot richer and allowed them to consume more?

      • ninetyninenine 2 days ago

        Made the Chinese even more richer and technologically superior to the us in many many areas as well.

        • eru a day ago

          Yes, it's a win-win situation.

  • [removed] 2 days ago
kragen 2 days ago

china has been a major player in manufacturing technology for 4000 years, with several minor exceptions of roughly a century or two, one of which ended about 30–40 years ago