Comment by raxxorraxor

Comment by raxxorraxor 3 days ago

3 replies

I do and the latest war completely reaffirmed my perspective. The little spot that allegedly tries to genocide everyone around them while their enemies have that as the stated goals in their respective charters. It is the reason for the existence of Hezbollah even. Why not believe them?

The positions aren't equal, in fact they are worlds apart and Israel treats enemy civilians better than the terror regimes they do live under despite facing constant wars of aggression by said nations.

hajile 2 days ago

If someone broke into your house, took over most of it and killed your family member while the police said it was perfectly fine, how would you respond? Just live and let live? Probably not.

  • raxxorraxor 2 days ago

    We can argue who killed more or was more justified to do it, but that isn't progress. The latest issue is the attack on Israel. There is no equivalence and no justification for that.

    • hajile 2 days ago

      The latest issue is an attack on Israel? Are you referring to Oct 7?

      Oct 7 had a 71-72% civilian casualty. Project Lavender considered a 90-100% civilian casualty rate to be acceptable and the number of civilians killed vs number of Hama killed far exceeds the ratio on Oct 7.

      Israel has systematically destroyed Gaza building by building ruining the lives of millions of people. That is the latest and continuing issue. Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity.