Comment by mschuster91

Comment by mschuster91 2 days ago

5 replies

Tell that to Russia, its economy is - military production aside - in shambles due to Western sanctions and especially the brain drain.

The idea of economically enforced peace only works for democratic countries where the government has to show at least a bare minimum of respect towards its citizens, but not in countries that follow the whims of their respective Dear Leader.

amanaplanacanal 2 days ago

Putin is surrounded and supported by people who are probably losing a ton of money right now. When he finally learns his lesson, it's probably going to be a harsh one.

  • lucianbr 2 days ago

    That won't undo any of the damage done by the war, nor bring anyone back. It will pretty much not have any effect at all.

  • rasz 2 days ago

    russian MOD people are making bank right now.

    • dh2022 a day ago

      Too bad for them they can only spend it in Russia on Chinese stuff. (My father in law lives in Moscow. Muscovites pay more for old Japanese cars than brand new Chinese cars)