Comment by raxxorraxor

Comment by raxxorraxor 3 days ago

5 replies

At some point you have to ignore these perspectives because they are wrong. Look into the founding of Hezbollah. It isn't a secret, their stated goals is to expulse Jews. It cannot get much more plain as that.

The positions in this war are not equal.

digging 2 days ago

> The positions in this war are not equal.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Israel is one of the most powerful nations on Earth, Hezbollah is not even close. I don't think genocide is an appropriate response to the hatred of a much, much weaker enemy.

  • raxxorraxor 2 days ago

    Hezbollah is a militia and has more manpower and equipment than the Lebanese army. They get high tech supplies from allies like Iran and they have more military power than a lot of the surrounding countries, who also fear them for that reason.

    They aren't a civilian force and they are a serious military threat, especially with the backing of Iran.

  • pdabbadabba 2 days ago

    > I don't think genocide is an appropriate response to the hatred of a much, much weaker enemy.

    I'd challenge you to provide a reasonable argument that Israel is committing genocide in Lebanon.

    • digging a day ago

      Sorry, I meant that I don't believe they are, but I believe they would if it became opportune. And I'm not aware of any indication otherwise; it can be assumed they would choose against it, but I don't make that assumption.

  • ekanes 2 days ago

    Genocide is a term generally related to civilians. Hezbollah has been designated a terrorist organization by the USA.