Comment by ben_w

Comment by ben_w 2 days ago

3 replies

> write long random number on it

Human brains when generating 'random' numbers:

> Once a month company publishes one giant zip with all the monthly result where you find your file by that random number you wrote.

Given how much of our appearance is due to genetics, that's basically all the harm with none of the convenience.

zahlman 2 days ago

>Human brains when generating 'random' numbers

Fortunately, contemporary humans have access to computers, which can generate random numbers for them free of charge.

>Given how much of our appearance is due to genetics, that's basically all the harm

I can't fathom your concept of "harm"; and neither, I think, would any prospective customer of this service.

  • ben_w 2 days ago

    > I can't fathom your concept of "harm"; and neither, I think, would any prospective customer of this service.

    I'm fairly relaxed about my medical history, but it's really obvious to me that I'm weird in being relaxed.

    Despite my relaxed attitude, it's still fairly obvious that this lists every genetic condition*, which in turn obviously going to be relevant to any health insurance provider that isn't banned from using it.

    Monetary damages are one of the easiest ones to quantify, from what I hear.

    * even those that have not yet had the relevant genes discovered, because statistical methods need a larger population

  • gklitz 2 days ago

    What? “I’m worried my genetic sequence will be leaked and abused” turns into “why not just have the company leak the genetic sequences of everyone every month” and you can’t see the harm?

    At this point we practically have a single search engine that’ll take you genetic sequence aa input and return your face, you entire family tree, your current job and address and what you do in your free time.