Comment by marcus_holmes

Comment by marcus_holmes 2 days ago

5 replies

Freelancers are shuddering in horror (or gasping in delight) at all the work they'll be getting from this in the next few years.

Endless numbers of ridiculous Ideas Guys will be showing up at tech meetups with "I got this thing like 90% of the way there, now I just need this little bit done, it'll take a good coder a few hours, right?".

Delving into the code base will be a Dantean expedition into the first few rings of Web Dev Hell, replete with LLM hallucinations of API endpoints that would be great if they existed.

nxicvyvy 2 days ago

The no code space in YouTube is on fire right now with people showing off how to build apps with ai.

The tools aren't too bad, I've been building a few things with cursor and ChatGPT to see how far you can. It's basically like you're pair programming with a junior who knows how to do all the basics but needs a lot of help in review.

Your read that this is going to be a huge mess in the freelance space soon is very accurate, the better the tooling gets the worse it will be.

  • throwthrowuknow 2 days ago

    I’m generally optimistic about generative AI tools but I 100% agree with this. They’d be better off using Wordpress.

tonyoconnell a day ago

I understand what you mean but Test First Development by LLM's will solve lots of problems with hallucinations and soon LLM's will be much better at coding than humans. I am always surprised that so many highly intelligent people don't understand this.

  • marcus_holmes 9 hours ago

    Have you tried writing tests with an LLM?

    Because I have, and it's not been the experience you're describing. The LLM hallucinated the error message it was testing for (that it had itself written 5 minutes earlier, in the file it had been given as the source to test).

    I don't think this can be solved with the current methodology we're using to create these assistants. I remain arguably highly intelligent and definitely convinced that LLMs need to evolve more to surpass humans as coders.

  • spacebacon a day ago

    Assuming the end goal is to serve humanity. Will a human always be better at using an LLM or will LLM’s eventually be better at using LLM’s to serve humanity?