easyThrowaway 2 days ago

Anyone who got resold / loaned those devices, those who were next to blast radius of those devices while going with their lives, any relatives who were unfortunate enough of having an hezbollah member in their family.

This is basically just one step above a chemical attack, and can only be excused as "the end justifies the means" by the interested parties.

  • whacko_quacko 2 days ago

    Why would you use 80s technology that allows you to circumvent Israeli tracking, and get that from Hezbollah if you're not in cahoots with them? People in Lebanon can afford smart phones.

    With the people next to the blast radius you have a point, but when targeting guerilla fighters that blend in with civillian populace it's hard to not inadvertantly target innocents too. But a small explosive device that is used by enemy soldiers and kept close to their bodies is the best way to avoid innocent casualties.

    Also, Hezbollah hiding between innocents doesn't mean Israel shouldn't defend themselves. If you hide behind civillians you're the one to blame for casualties, not the party that defends against you

    • easyThrowaway 2 days ago

      I guess you've never been in most of middle east. Pagers, shortwave radios and "80s technology" are still widely deployed among the general population.

      • pvaldes 2 days ago

        Hospitals at least use it extensively still in Europe.

    • 34679 2 days ago

      The NSA fights terrorism. Terrorists use encryption to evade the NSA. That does not mean that everyone who uses encryption is a terrorist.

      • dlubarov 2 days ago

        This isn't about pagers generally, this is about a particular batch of 5,000 pagers ordered by Hezbollah. They weren't distributed to random Lebanese citizens.

  • alickz 2 days ago

    > Anyone who got resold / loaned those devices

    Aren't the pagers specifically for transmitting Hezbollah instructions / orders?

    Why would a Hezbollah member sell/loan such a device to a non-Hezbollah member?

    • [removed] 2 days ago
    • easyThrowaway 2 days ago

      Beacuse it's a pager, and they're rather common in most of Egypt, Turkey and middle east countries for medical support and first-time responders.

      I mean, the reason Hezbollah switched to those devices was also because they're readily available in the country.

      I'd be extremely, extremely surprised if this was a "targeted" shipment rather than a generic batch that was expected to a certain degree to be bought by hezbollah members.

      • meepmorp 2 days ago

        > I'd be extremely, extremely surprised if this was a "targeted" shipment rather than a generic batch that was expected to a certain degree to be bought by hezbollah members.


remram 2 days ago

Yes I'm assuming not every Lebanese is a terrorist, which seems to be problematic to some. In particular 8-year-old children are probably not.