Comment by DoingIsLearning

Comment by DoingIsLearning 2 days ago

5 replies

Curiosity questions is the revenue that is localized in Ireland and the Netherlands because of the double sandwich, of any significance in terms of percentage of total taxed revenue in those countries?

From memory Ireland and the Netherlands are also the biggest contributors to EU funding. So I am wondering how this shift would affect EU dynamics as a whole?

neamar 2 days ago

They're not large contributors to eu finance: 10th and 5th, respectively

France and Germany account for nearly 50% of the funding.

  • DoingIsLearning 2 days ago

    Perhaps the infograph I saw was per capita?

    • s_dev 2 days ago

      Yeah -- Ireland and Netherlands are both top contributors on a per capita basis. Though this was only accelerated recently i.e. the 2023 budget not the 2021 budget. Ireland on many occasions has be a net recipient before this while the Dutch have a longer history of being a net contributor.

    • Rinzler89 2 days ago

      Perhaps you're mistaken?

      • rsynnott 2 days ago

        Nah; Ireland's the biggest per capita contributor, and the Netherlands is fourth (after Luxembourg and Belgium).

        (Not sure what's going on with Belgium; Ireland, Luxembourg and to some extent the Netherlands have rather inflated GDPs, which drives up contribution amounts, but Belgium's isn't particularly high.)