Comment by laidoffamazon

Comment by laidoffamazon 2 days ago

7 replies

Absolutely astounding to credit the guy on whose watch this literally did not happen for something that's happening now.

Is this like the people that credited current infrastructure improvements to his infrastructure week that didn't happen?

diordiderot 2 days ago

Something like 40% of Republicans believed Obama was 'responsible' for 9/11 in 2015/16

(failed to prevent, not personally perpetrated)

  • pyrale 2 days ago

    Well, he did fail to prevent it.

    Americans also love to praise George Washington, but he too, didn't lift a finger to prevent 9/11.

swalsh 2 days ago

There is a lag between policy and results, I don't think you can fairly say that because it's happening NOW it's biden's doing (though i'll give credit to Biden for now ending the changes Trump enacted). But Trump should get credit for completely reorienting our trade policy.

axus 2 days ago

I give Trump credit for approving the American departure from Afghanistan. Even with how that was executed, the current state of Americans not being there is a good thing caused by his past decision.

ajsdg 2 days ago

In 2016-2020 the economy was good, jobs were plentiful and there was mostly peace. Then the Democrats mismanaged COVID and the Munich peace conference in 2022, then doubled down and sent Pelosi to stir up the pot in Taiwan.

Now we have cold or hot war everywhere, and a TSMC plant is built for election purposes.

Trump absolutely started the U.S. manufacturing drive, sometimes he does not push things through. Still, the world would be in a much better shape had he been elected in 2020.