Comment by _huayra_

Comment by _huayra_ 2 days ago

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> You still have access to vote absentee,

Most other countries allow their expatriate population to vote without this taxation requirement. Why should the US be different?

>as well as collect social security benefits.

Absolutely incorrect. The times I've lived abroad have not count towards my SSN contributions; I've had to make up for them after returning, in a sense. I now have to figure out how to collect a smattering of "social security equivalent" payments once I retire from a foreign country as a result.

> You can use US bank accounts and other institutions.

Actually, you're not supposed to in most cases, and most banks will basically force you out if they find out you're not in the US. Only a few brokerages will actually work with you (ibkr is best iirc, Schwab can also work). Pretending to "exist" at a relatives house for your bank may be living on borrowed time, though in practice it is possible to do for years if one leaves. Newcomers can't open a bank account with US citizenship if they're non residents (again, except for a few brokerages).

> You and your children have the right to return if you ever desire it.

Why should I pay for the option to do so? Why not do like every other country and pay if I actually exercise the option and return (and pay taxes)? Just like every other country (except Eritrea and North Korea, but do we want to be in the same camp as them?).