charbroiled 2 days ago

Thousands were injured, yes. How many of the thousands injured belonged to Hezbollah? It’s a safe bet that the majority of injuries were sustained by owners of these Hezbollah-supplied pagers.

International law allows, to some extent, collateral damage during war (and Israel and Hezbollah are certainly at war). What percentage of collateral damage would you say is acceptable here? 50%? 20%? None?

  • pvaldes 2 days ago

    > Thousands were injured / wounded

    Just as footnote, I think that mutilated is the correct word here. Having in mind that 2000 people lost fingers, or noses or a chunk of their hips.

  • remram 2 days ago

    Hezbollah are also terrorists. You might think it is ok to fight terror with terror, all I am trying to point out is that this is indeed a response in kind.