Comment by threeseed

Comment by threeseed 2 days ago

5 replies

> Literally China/Russia are more trustworthy

They have no free elections unlike US.

They have no free press unlike US.

They have no independent judiciary unlike US.

They both rank poorly on the corruption index unlike US.

account42 2 days ago

> They have no free elections unlike US.

The US is a two party system with many hereditary politicians. How free do you think your elections really are?

> They have no free press unlike US.

How did the US news report on Snownden, Assange and others the US government does not like? The US press is an oligopoly that does barely any real reporting. Theoretical freeness does little here.

> They have no independent judiciary unlike US.

Which is more than happy to shield the executive from any consequences. Qualified immunity makes this separation meaningless.

> They both rank poorly on the corruption index unlike US.

According to western definitions of corruption that conveniently do not include corporate lobbying, revolving door relationsships between politics and industry, backdoor laws via trade deals and all the other shadyness that has effectively taken over so-called democracies. But sure, pat yourself on the back for being less likely to get out of a speeding ticket by slipping the officer some cash.

  • nozzlegear 2 days ago

    How many hereditary politicians do you think there are in the US, and how much power do you think they have?

Sawamara 2 days ago


  • wazoox 2 days ago

    The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.

    Julius Nyerere

  • lupusreal 2 days ago

    More relevant to this discussion, elections in which both parties accuse the other of insufficient loyalty to a foreign nation, Israel.