Comment by kurthr

Comment by kurthr 2 days ago

1 reply

Less adtech and crypto? Fewer gamified dating apps?

I can think of a lot of negative/zero sum things that have next to no return or longer term advantage than monopoly seeking or greater foolism. They already got plenty of investment when interest rates were near zero.

If there hadn't already been a significant semiconductor industry, or if there was some similar employment for those employees/grads to go maybe it would be different. If there wasn't large local demand for the product (and I'm including the packaging which is another issue) it would be different. Given what the US has it makes long term sense to put some 4nm and even 2nm Fabs in the US. Creating geopolitical risk by outsourcing ALL supply is sort of silly, quarterly profits be damned. (even $50B is <0.2% of annual GDP).

__MatrixMan__ 2 days ago

We could probably find some ways to encourage the Wall Street types to go get real jobs also.