Comment by teslabox

Comment by teslabox 2 days ago

6 replies

I learned about Novamin a few years ago [0], and ordered BioMin Restore [1] to give it a try. I'm now a devoted customer. There are other Novamin/hydroxyapatite toothpastes, but I only have experience with this one brand.

I think this company's latest news is the version of their toothpaste that has fluoride [2] is now FDA-approved for sensitive teeth, so they're going to be able to sell it in the United States specifically labeled to help with sensitive teeth. If you live in Canada or the UK [3], it looks like you can order this now.

Just noticed a blog post on the UK site: Why you shouldn’t over-prescribe fluoride to your patients -




[3] /

Loughla 2 days ago

Is there any science available about that, that isn't from the company selling it?

  • teslabox 2 days ago

    My HN comment, linked to as [0], was on a submission about the history of NovaMin - iirc it was originally used for soldiers in Vietnam, then came to be used for repair of teeth.

    You can do your own experiment: $10 for a tube, plus $6 shipping. If you have sensitive teeth it’s worth a trial.

    • [removed] 2 days ago