Comment by vunderba

Comment by vunderba 2 days ago

6 replies

Nice job—I'm always a fan of 'bring your own key' (BYOK) approaches. I think there's a lot of potential in using LLMs as virtual copy editors.

I do a fair amount of writing and have actually put together several custom GPTs, each with varying degrees of freedom to rewrite the text.

The first one acts strictly as a professional editor—it's allowed to fix spelling errors, grammatical issues, word repetition, etc., but it has to preserve the original writing style.

I do a lot of dictation while I walk my husky, so when I get back home, I can run whisper, convert the audio to text, and throw it at the GPT. It cleans it up, structures it into paragraphs, etc. Between whisper/GPT, it saves me hours of busy work.

The other one is allowed to restructure the text, fix continuity errors, replace words to ensure a more professional tone, and improve the overall flow. This one is more reserved for public communique such as business related emails.

edweis 2 days ago

> I'm always a fan of 'bring your own key' (BYOK) approaches.

"Bring your own key" has the same amount of syllables as "BYOK"

  • closetkantian 2 days ago

    If your point is that BYOK is a useless acronym since it has the same number* of syllables, I disagree. Acronyms aren't just for reducing syllable count; they also reduce visual clutter and are easier to read for people who scan text.

    • pixelpoet 2 days ago

      My brother from another mother, I thought I was the only one left who distinguishes much from many. (I wish I didn't know that it's technically an initialism not an acronym...)

      • closetkantian a day ago

        Hahaha, this comment has me thinking about how I would pronounce it. Bee-yok? Bye-yolk?

copperx 2 days ago

I do something similar. I have a custom Gemini Gem that critiques my writing and points out how I can better my paragraphs, but I do the bulk of the rewriting myself.

I'm not a native speaker, and the nice thing about this approach is that I seem to be learning to write better instead of just delegating the task to the machine.

thankyoufriend 2 days ago

Very cool! I'd be interested in reading more about your dictation-to-text process if you documented it somewhere, thanks.

My partner and I were just talking about how useful that would be, especially driving in the car when all of the "we should..." thoughts come out of hiding. Capturing those action items more organically without destroying the flow of the conversation would be heavenly.